I coded this site to view properly on any device you arrive with.
Hopefully the understanding you gain will help you stay safe and healthy.
HINT -assume everything is poison
e.g. -put gloves on to get your mail and newspaper
Who knows how many people have touched it before
Now is your chance to not only get caught up, but to have the most fun in your life.
Those are some easy ones, but hey - here's a few dozen more.
I'll add more when I think of it
Lose weight by easily closing the fat receptor molecules in your digestive system.
You can do this in one second and it contains the possibility of making the biggest health difference in your life.
Let's be real.
Think about it.
If the worst thing you're worried about possibly happening is dying -
- Honestly -
Do you think it's going to be more difficult or easier to be in Heaven?
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